Ayurveda & Thai Massage- Latest Edition

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Ayurveda & Thai Massage- Latest Edition


A guide to the 108 hour training offered by Ariela Grodneris covered in this outstanding learning tool. This book contains over 5 hours of applied body work, the complete line system and marma points. It also covers Thai Massage and its roots with the Ayurvedic application. This includes Yogic techniques, understanding of the Vata sub types, different touch techniques for different constitutions as well as life style guide for self maintenance. It covers safety instructions, including contraindications, intake forms and guidelines for creating a safe and professional atmosphere, This is the most complete Thai Massage book available.

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We are so happy to announce the latest copy of Ariela Grodners book. One of Ariela’s senior students, Erica Pierluissi, spent the last year going through page by page of the original Yellow book, and updated, cleaned and mastered the delivery so students can have an even better learning tool. This book covers the Ayurvedic Marma points, Energy lines and postures that are covered in the extensive trainings.