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So MAny CLasses!!

Here are the assortment of classes offered.

Drop in to one weekend or spend years with us!


Introduction to Thai Massage-

Over the course of this first workshop, students will learn an hour and a half long form.  Practiced on the floor,  this form enables the therapist the use of elbows, knees, forearms and feet in a comfortable and efficient way that utilizes the body dynamic and ones own weight to distribute the force required for the application of the relevant techniques. The recipient lies relaxed and loosely clothed while the practitioner guides them through a series of yogic asanas and applies balancing touch to the body’s major energy lines and points.

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Expanding vocabulary - ( INKING Analogy )

This workshop is intended for those students who have already familiarized themselves with the Thai Massage practice through taking Thai 1 and its ok to begin with this phase as well. We will extensively review the Thai 1 material, both strengthening knowledge of the form itself and deepening awareness within the exercises, in order to bring our consciousness to a more subtle level during the healing process. also we wil add more moves to each sequence.


Advanced Postures - ( Callage’ Analagy )

lets learn the amazing “Seated Sequence” together!

Thai Massage is Flat without the knowledge of how to apply touch in the seated position. In this workshop, we will learn the beautiful “Lotus Palm” version of seated along with an advanced focus on digestion and some fancy flips with deeper back bends for more flexible clients.

*Don't be worried about beginning with this phase, Ariela modifies for all levels. It’s a fun weekend.


Energy Lines & Ayurvedic applications

The system we will be exploring during this class is a descendant of a synthesis of India’s Ayurvedic medical healing art and China’s meridian methodology. In Thai Massage we cultivate an awareness of the “sen” lines and practice various techniques with the intent of bringing them into balance with each other.

Two of the greatest practitioners of our time (Asokananda, Kam Thye Chow) pieced together fragments found in various Buddhist temples around the world, and together have co-created a modern interpretation of this ancient knowledge. At this stage in the deepening of our skills and awareness of the present we will honor the continuation of the Thai Massage lineage through extending our conscious knowledge and encompassing a more subtle comprehension of the bodies energy pathways.

In this class we will learn a sequence for each line and really feel the quality it brings to our work,



Thai on the table

Do you think your clients won’t want to get on a mat? Do You prefer to work on a table? Join us!

Thai Yoga Massage on a table expands your business to a whole new clientele while helping to take even better care of your body.

Performed on a low table with a fully clothed client, Thai Yoga Massage will allow you to reach out to a mainstream audience, including athletes, the elderly, and people who prefer massage on a table. It brings the benefits of Thai Yoga Massage, including customized yoga, profound relaxation, and energy work.


Ayurveda and Thai Massage

One day the student asked me if Thai-Massage is just a series of memorized sequences. This moves me in the same way it must have moved my teacher. Of course the sequences give us a foundation but ultimately one must become intuitive and have an understanding of the elemental body. This is how Ayurveda can come to play. In this class we will break down the winds and how they affect our emotions. How to choose postures to balance different constitutions and how to understand the importance of feeling each of the elements in our own body so we are practicing with Wisdom. In this class we breathe life into the sequence.


Hatha yoga with thai massage assists

In this weekend workshop, we will break down the classic Hatha Yoga sequence as taught to Ariela by the Sivananda School of Yoga in South India. We will add her years of experience as a Thai Massage teacher to help deepen postures.

 Every asana will be demonstrated for the practitioner to feel the essence of the posture and then we will use Thai Massage techniques to shoot off the energy lines and help develop a deeper awareness through assisted stretching and massage

This weekend is dedicated to self care and how to share it,


Thai Foot Reflexology

In this workshop students will learn to give an hour long session on the feet alone, while still affecting the whole body through aware stimulation of the sen lines and marma points. Utilizing both dry and wet massage (with and without oil) as well as a Thai foot stick, to glide the lines and press the points with greater accuracy and precision then the hands alone could provide. 

The style we will be exploring is a method derived from Shivaga Komarpaj of the Chiang Mai school of Thai Massage, and is for everyone. Students will Luxuriate in two days of amazing foot work.


Double Practitioner Thai Massage

Four handed/footed -Double Practitioner Thai Massage is founded on the same principles as Traditional Thai, but it is inspired by its Ayurvedic cousin, Abhyangha Massage, which is performed by two partitioners. It has been my experience, that when receiving Thai Massage by two practitioners at the same time there is a sense of losing control and total surrender.

In this class we will learn a sequence that was developed by Ariela. It holds the foundation of the classic sequence but is synchronized to function with duality.

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Exploring Earth and Wind- An Intuative Approach

Thai Massage is an observation of the elemental body and an attempt to bring balance to the properties witnessed. In this unique class we explore the 4 directions throughout the body while offering simple stretching.  We can then intuit or ask which of the directional movements would be of most benefit. This is the exploration of the Wind element. Within this presence we notice and are curious. The act of curiosity and love brings intuition. We hold space and watch.:


Advanced Side line Sequence

Join us for a weekend of Sideline Postures that was taught to Ariela by Laurino Bertelli from the Sunshine Network in Chang Mai, Thailand.

In this weekend you will be able to work more effectively on pregnant clients as well as athletes.

This modified sequence wil give us many more options to address classic Hip and Shoulder Pain in this orthodox Sideline Position and it is a dynamic style that will bring more diversity, beauty and curiosity to your work.

Thai Folk Medecine Program

The Folk Medicine program has seven classes - here are the course descriptions for the program. If there is room drop ins are welcome, other wise space is limited to those committed to the entire program.

Making Bundles, Marma Points & Gua-Sha

This is the first weekend of our seven month master training. In this first weekend we will get to know each other and talk about some of our goals as advanced therapists. We will also spend the day studying the use of plant medicine, creating an herbal compress, and understand how to give a specific pampering and Vata and reducing session. ( Vata means to much wind ).Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What makes this class and advanced class is we will take time to learn the Marma points of Ayurveda and Review for energy lines needed to create a multi dimensional treatment.

This is the first class of seven. We will spend quality time sharing food and song and getting to know each other.

* Ask Ariela what Materials are needed for this class.

Thai Massage for Headache and for Neck Pain

The Headache and Neck pain class was developed by Ariela with the attempt to share a very specific Thai-Massage treatment plan. The way she put these sequences together was by studying the marma points of Ayurveda. She learned which marma points are relative to headache and also applied the Ayurvedic understanding of the winds. (for example if one has a headache due to too much expansion of one's energy Thai-Massage will bring the movements inward and if someone has a headache due to lack of movement lack and lack of outward energy then the Thai-Massage sequence will help with expansion and postures will help increase energy )

* in this class we will learn to make a sandalwood pest to help alleviate headache.

Thai Massage for Digestion

In this class we will learn different treatments to help heal stomach pain. We will learn the, use of MOXA ( Mugwort ) and drink herbal teas! ( Mint, catnip, fennel, Anise ) ariela will also introduce how to use fire cupping which can tone and balance belly pain,

We as massage therapists can offer a wonderful treatment plan that allows the digestive track to relax and realign and become more balanced. We will also discuss some lifestyle changes that may have triggered an excess of heat or a deficiency of heat in one's digestive fire. In India there is a belief that one must keep the Agni in check. Agni is our digestive fire

* we will learn to use fire cupping as an aid for digestive disorders..


Thai Massage for Hip Pain and Sciatica

n this class we will learn various reasons why we have hip and leg pain and how to offer a Thai Massage session specializing in these areas including Sciatica.

We will learn to determine the reasons for various hip pain by beginning by assessment of the imbalances that may occur in the left and right side of the body and we will try to muscularly bring some balance with subtle stretching and massage.

We will also learn the major marma points or acupressure points on the body relative to specific hip pain. The goal of our weekend workshop will be to help determine the root cause of why the hip is hurting and to choose accordingly. Thai Massage postures, marma point therapy and quality of touch can help us as practitioners bring relief to someone suffering with hip pain and even Sciatica

*Moxa and Fire cupping will be applied


Thai Massage for Shoulder & Neck Pain

And this weekend workshop we will learn to understand the various reasons of why shoulder pain may present itself. By learning the individual acupressure points and by understanding the cause of the injury we can pick particular time massage moves that will help bring balance to the injury from the more severe icase to simple hypertonicity. We will learn to give an extensive session depending on the clients individual needs.

There are various tools that may be implemented in our session such as a Guasha tool, a bread roller, the use of cupping and the use of heat and cold. We will learn how to incorporate some tools to maximize our session.

* they use of a bread roller and a Gua sha tool will be applied


Thai Massage for Pregnancy and Postpartum

We will learn to understand how to massage a pregnant mother differently depending on which stage of pregnancy she is in. We will learn the contraindications and how to perform a safe Thai-Massage to support a woman in this amazing chapter of her life.

We will explore the use of good propping of pillows for the sideline position and we will even learn how to utilize a back jack to prop up a mother in a supine posture so that we can work on her legs neck and face while she is comfortable and supported by pillows which allows for her to be safe and not put too much pressure on the kidney area.

* students will review how to make an herbal compress on their own to bring to class for this treatment plan.


Thai Massage for Knee Pain plus a Bonus

Eye Treatment for Graduation !!

And this weekend workshop we will focus on pain in the knee. Pain in the knee can have a debilitating affect and as long as it's not severe arthritis, massage therapy can help ease pain and even bring forth full recovery.

The mama points of Ayurveda are the base of all of Ariela's protocol classes. We will learn the major Marma points that are relative to knee pain. We will also learn the energy lines that go through the knees and learn to really feel and assess where there might be an imbalance. An awareness of the winds may help us figure out the root cause of the knee pain and with that awareness we can choose particular Thai Massage moves to bring balance.

Join us this weekend for a self-care journey and an educational experience in the wellness of treating knee pain.

Sunday we will learn how to give a basti Eye treatment as a special graduation gift to see the world with clean eyes and an open heart!!
