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What is thai Massage?

Traditional Thai Massage is an ancient healing technique that has been in popular use in Asia since the time of The Buddha (roughly 500 b.c.). The practice itself manifests as a flowing dance that synthesizes the cumulative knowledge and techniques of many disciplines.


Supplies for CLass

Ariela has brought many tools into her classes.

On this page are the Thai Massage Mats, books, fire cupping, Gua Sha tools, moxa and other things that will be using in some of the advanced courses. Ariela has put together this list of supplies to help students navigate the many choices.


Glass Fire cupping set from China

Special Gua Sha Tool Made from Stone

Dry Moxa for mama points

moxa for mama

Best Thai Mat

Japanese mat

required book for advanced training

This is the tool used for ariela's Thai foot reflexology course.


Back Jack for modifying Massage for preganacy